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Does Your Dog’s Size or Breed Affect Your Pet Insurance Costs? 

What if you had no choice but to pay more for your pet’s insurance? 

In California, pet owners hoping to save money may have already enrolled in a pet health and discount services plan. However, owners who want to take out a policy on their pooch often have major questions that keep them from buying coverage until it’s too late. 

For example, does the dog breed affect insurance costs? If so, which breeds are more expensive? Keep reading to discover all the answers you need! 

Understanding How Pet Insurance Works 

Before discussing how breed affects cost, you may have a more fundamental question. Specifically, what is pet insurance, and how does this unique kind of policy work? 

The short answer is that these policies are designed to help animal lovers deal with the rising costs of pet care. Mechanically, it works the same way that automobile insurance does. You simply pay your premium each month and then can choose to file claims when relevant circumstances arise. 

For example, depending on the policy, you might get reimbursement for treating certain accidents or illnesses. Other policies may help reduce the costs related to preventative care. 

Is Bigger More Expensive? Debunking Myths Around Dog Size and Insurance 

When it comes to pet insurance, everyone always has the same question about a man’s best friend. Namely, does dog size affect insurance costs? 

Unfortunately, the answer will depend on both the kind of pet you have and the insurer you choose. For example, larger dogs in certain breeds are likelier to experience medical issues such as heart conditions. Because they are at a greater risk in the long term, such breeds are often more expensive to insure. 

That said, larger canines aren’t automatically more expensive to insure. As an example, you might discover that a small bulldog is more expensive to cover than a much larger golden retriever. When it comes to coverage and your pets, you may also want to check if you need renters insurance for liability if your pet bites someone. 

Breed-Specific Concerns and Premiums 

In short, the overall pet insurance cost is more related to a dog’s breed than its size. Some breeds are more expensive than others due to their genetic predispositions. Below, you will find information that can help prepare you for your pet insurance premiums. 

Genetic Predispositions and Their Impact on Your Wallet 

As you might imagine, carriers tend to charge more to insure pets who are likelier to cause you to file a claim. For this reason, dogs with certain genetic predispositions (like heart conditions or things like hip dysplasia) will typically be more expensive to insure. If you know your beloved pet has certain predispositions, you may need to prepare your wallet for the cost of coverage. 

High-Risk Breeds: Identifying Costly Canine Traits 

Unfortunately, certain breeds, including Rottweilers, French Bulldogs, and Saint Bernards, are more expensive to insure than others. While the animals themselves are very different, they have a predisposition to conditions that could limit both their length and quality of life. 

Saint Bernard dog and two black french bulldog puppies are on maple leaves in autumn - Cheap Pet Insurance in California

For example, Rottweilers are more susceptible to bone cancer, and Saint Bernards are far more likely to die of bloat. French Bulldogs, meanwhile, are more susceptible to congenital heart disease. If you have one of these breeds or your animal has similar genetic predispositions, then coverage may be relatively expensive. 

Tips for Reducing Pet Insurance Costs 

All of this talk about factors that make pet insurance more expensive may sound discouraging. If so, here’s a comforting thought: As with your automobile policy, there are a few easy ways you can reduce the cost of insuring your animal. Below, you’ll find some tips that can help you instantly lower your premium. 

Choosing a Policy That Suits Your Dog’s Unique Needs 

As with other policies, it’s important not to take out more coverage than your dog needs. Be sure to find a carrier you trust who can help customize a policy that supports your pooch without making you pay for unnecessary features. Check to see if your existing home insurance covers dog bites or anything else tied to your pets, to see what protection you may already have. 

Another way to save is to enroll your dog in an insurance plan sooner rather than later, as premiums may naturally be higher for older animals. Should your rates become too expensive, don’t be afraid to shop around for a better rate. 

Strategies for Lowering Premium Rates on Prone-to-Illness Breeds 

Aside from shopping around for a better insurance company, the best way to lower the premium for your prone-to-illness dog is to ask your carrier about possible discounts. If you bundle multiple policies, you can save, and you may be able to get discounts for military service or other qualifying experiences.  

Pet Insurance FAQ 

Still have major questions about pet insurance? Below, you will find answers to common questions that can help you make your final decision about this coverage. 

What Are the Most Affordable Breeds to Insure? 

English Springer Spaniels, Australian Shepherds, Yorkshire Terriers, Dachshunds, and mixed-breed dogs are the cheapest to insure. 

How Can I Calculate Potential Premiums Based on My Dog’s Size and Breed? 

Your best bet for calculating future pet insurance costs is to research the cost for your specific dog breed and ask prospective insurance carriers for free quotes. You can also get genetic tests for your animal, which may reveal certain risks that could ultimately affect coverage costs for the animal. 

Will Neutering or Spaying My Dog Affect Insurance Costs? 

By itself, neutering or spaying won’t increase or decrease the costs of pet insurance. However, you should know such procedures are considered elective. That means they will not be covered by most insurance plans. On the other hand, pets that have been spayed or neutered are less prone to diseases that affect the reproductive organs. 

Are Mixed-Breed Dogs Cheaper to Insure Than Purebreds? 

Mixed-breed dogs are almost always cheaper to insure than purebreds because they are less prone to health issues. 

Protect Your Furry Best Friend With Affordable Pet Insurance 

Now you know whether your dog’s size and breed will affect their insurance costs. But do you know where you can find an insurance company fully devoted to protecting your pet? 

Here at Cost-U-Less, we’re ready to help provide your dog with a longer, happier, and healthier life. Ready to be a true best friend to a man’s best friend? Just give us a call at (800) 390-4071 or get a fast and free pet insurance quote online. You can also find a Cost-U-Less office near you

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