7 Things You Need To Know About Driver’s License Points
It is never fun to be pulled over and given a ticket, but the one thing that can make matters worse is if the ticket also involves points on your driver’s license. Points are utilized by most states to identify high-risk drivers. A set number of points is assigned for at-fault accidents or common moving violations such as speeding, failing to stop at a red light, and driving under the influence, among others. The worse the violation is, the more points are assigned to it.
If you have faced the unfortunate situation of receiving license points for speeding or other moving violations, there are seven things you should know about points on your license.
1. Driver’s License Points Can Affect Your Insurance Rates
Your insurance company will utilize your driving history and point record to rate your policy. However, there is a difference between driver’s license points and insurance points because an insurance company may assess them differently than the DMV. Regardless, your car insurance premium is likely to increase after you are charged with a moving violation or an at-fault accident.
2. Too Many Driver’s License Points Can Result in the Loss of Your License
If you earn too many points within a specific period, it can result in your license being suspended or revoked. The exact number of points and the timeframe will depend on the state in which you live.
3. Driving License Points Removal is Possible
While no one wants to wind up with points on their license, the good news is that your points will come off over time, or they will no longer count towards suspension purposes. Some states also offer you the option to reduce your points through defensive driving, accident prevention, or traffic safety courses. States like Virginia offer positive point programs in which you are rewarded positive points for each year of good driving. These positive points would cancel out any points you receive for future violations.
4. You Can Check Driver’s License Points with a DMV Report
Aren’t sure how many points you have on your license or if you have any at all? You can check your record by visiting your state’s Department of Motor Vehicle website. It is wise to look into your record if you are in the process of buying auto insurance or thinking about switching to a new insurance company.

5. Your Driver’s License Points May Follow You if You Move Out-of-State
If you move from one state to another, there is a chance that your violations from the previous state will be placed on your new state’s driving record. This is dependent upon which state you move from and which state you move to. To learn more, you should visit your new state’s DMV website. Regardless of whether your points or violations carry over, insurance providers and employers can still check your driving record in your former state.
6. The Number of Points Associated with a Violation Will Not be on the Ticket
If you recently received a ticket and you want to know if any points are associated with the violation, you can check the driving license codes on the ticket on your state’s DMV website. For example, in Wisconsin, if you receive a ticket with the charge code “CPI,” you can go on the state’s website to find it is a charge of “passing illegally,” which is a minor offense that carries three points.
7. There are Ways to Save on Car Insurance Even if You Have Points on Your Record
Consider the following tips if you were recently convicted of a moving violation with points:
- Compare quotes from different insurance providers. Moving violations are rated differently from company to company, so you might want to price shop to avoid paying an unnecessarily high premium.
- Raise your deductible. The higher your deductible, the lower your monthly premiums will be.
- Take advantage of every discount possible. Speak with your insurance provider or your prospective insurance company to ensure you are taking advantage of every discount available to you.
Tickets happen, and while you can’t go back in time and change the circumstances, there are ways to avoid increases in your car insurance premiums.
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