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How to Get Low-Cost or Free Health Insurance in California

The rising costs of health insurance in California are making it hard for residents to afford their insurance premiums. If you need help paying for health insurance, there are many options available to get low-cost or free health insurance in California, depending on your family size and income. 

Navigating California’s Health Insurance Landscape 

Known as Covered California, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) health insurance marketplace is how people who do not have an employer’s insurance plan or private pay insurance will find the healthcare required under California law. The ACA, also known as Obamacare, was established in 2010. 

Californians who are not covered under an employer’s plan for the 2025 year will need to navigate through the Covered California marketplace by a certain date in order to avoid a tax penalty. Typically, these certain dates to sign up fall during California’s Health Insurance Open Enrollment which begins on Nov. 1 and ends Jan. 31 for the 2025 year. 

It can be confusing, but there is help available for free with Cost-U-Less Insurance. Our professional and bilingual agents will walk you through signing up – at no cost to you. 

Key Factors Influencing Health Insurance Costs in California 

Just like with all kinds of insurance coverage, your health insurance costs in California will be based on very specific information and factors unique to you and your situation. If you are looking for Covered California health insurance, some of the items under consideration will include: 

  • Your age: It is less expensive for younger people to access health care than it is for older people. 
  • Location: California has a high cost of living, so your premiums may be higher, as well. It’s all due to the cost of health care and related expenses. 
  • Tobacco Usage: Those who use tobacco can be charged up to 50% more than those who do not. Unlike pre-existing conditions, insurers can and do charge more for those who use tobacco. 
  • Individual vs. Family Plans: It makes sense you will be charged more as you add family members to your plan. 
  • Plan Category: As with all ACA insurance coverage, the plans are divided into 5 tiers, including bronze, silver, gold, platinum and catastrophic.  

Choosing the right plan is important. Bronze plans typically have lower premiums and higher out-of-pocket costs, which makes sense if you are young and healthy. Platinum plans have higher premiums but less out-of-pocket costs, which works if you will be visiting the doctor often for a chronic condition. You don’t have to pick a plan on your own. Cost-U-Less agents can help you decide which level works best for you and your family by asking the right questions. 

Affordable Health Insurance Options for Californians 

It’s important to have health insurance in California for several reasons. First, having regular healthcare with the same medical providers means continuing care with people who are familiar with you and your baseline health. Comprehensive health insurance is important for children and adults alike, as it can prevent disease and illness. Finally, healthcare of some kind is required in California. You could face a penalty on your taxes if you do not have it. 

Covered California: Low Cost Health Insurance Marketplace 

Covered California is the state’s version of the ACA, or Obamacare. Many states have their own health insurance marketplaces like Covered California. Launched in 2010, these marketplaces offer residents the ability to find more affordable healthcare even with pre-existing conditions. 

Just like the government’s version, applicants choose from 5 levels of coverage. Those who qualify can receive a stipend to help cover the cost. 

Medi-Cal: Coverage Options for Low-Income Residents 

When you fill out an application for health coverage through Covered California, if you qualify for Medi-Cal your information will be submitted automatically. Medi-Cal is the state’s version of Medicaid, which offers low-cost or free health insurance in California to certain individuals who qualify based on income and other factors.  

Many people qualify for this type of free or low-cost health insurance, including undocumented immigrants, who can receive outpatient and emergency care, preventive and wellness services, pediatric, maternity and newborn care and prescription drugs. 

Many Californians lost their Medi-Cal insurance in 2023 after the pandemic public health emergency ended. However, if you lost your Medi-Cal during this time, you can apply to get it back.  

A young boy of African decent, sits up on an exam table as a female Pediatrician preforms a check-up on him.  The boy is dressed casually and smiling as the doctor listens to his heart.

How Can I Get Free Health Insurance in California? 

Low-cost or free health insurance is available for those who qualify. The decision is based on a person or family’s income (and assets in some states). In California, those who need health coverage options can find them through Covered California or Medi-Cal, if they qualify. If you make too much for Medi-Cal, you may be eligible to receive a monetary stipend that helps pay the premium of your plan through the health insurance marketplace. 

Remember, your application for Medi-Cal programs can be submitted at any time and will automatically be submitted for you when you apply for insurance through Covered California if you qualify. You can only sign up for a plan through Covered California’s marketplace during health insurance open enrollment, which runs from Nov. 1 to Jan. 31. 

Assessing Eligibility for Financial Assistance Programs 

Once you apply for your 2025 health benefits through Covered California, you’ll need to provide supporting documents to assess your qualifications for either Medi-Cal or a subsidy on the marketplace. These documents may include: 

  • Proof of income 
  • Proof of citizenship 
  • Social Security number 
  • Tax filing status 
  • Bank records 
  • Information about household members 
Chart showing federal poverty level for 2024.


Maximizing Your Health Benefits 

Once you have health insurance in California, whether that is through your employer, Covered California, Medi-Cal or some other source, there are some things you can do to take advantage of your health plan both financially and medically. Here are some tips: 

  • Understand your plan: Have a clear understanding of what your plan covers and what you are responsible for and how it works.  
  • Find an in-network primary care physician (PCP) you like: Having someone you know and like in your corner can pay off big if you need to use your health benefits for some emergency or a developing chronic condition. Using the same PCP means your records are accessible.  
  • Use your preventive care options: On most plans, you receive free preventive care, such as screenings for  breast cancer, diabetes, blood pressure and cholesterol. Catching any issues early can have a huge difference on the outcome. 
  • Plan strategically: For example, if you need a big surgical procedure and it’s not an emergency, you may want to schedule it after your deductible is met for lower out-of-pocket costs. 
  • Always double check your claims: You should receive a document called an Explanation of Benefits (EOB) after each visit to your medical care provider. This document shows what your insurance company paid and how much you owe. Always carefully check this document and if there are any discrepancies, start calling your insurance company and the doctor’s office. You may save yourself some money. 

Using a professional to help you sign up for your health insurance in California will help make sure you are getting exactly what you need and that you understand your coverage. 

Utilizing All Available Resources and Support Services to Navigate Health Insurance in California 

With the advent of Obamacare and the continuation of the already existing Medi-Cal programs, most Californians who need to find insurance will be able to do so in time for the 2025 year. But it can be confusing trying to decide what you need and what you qualify for in the maze of the healthcare marketplace.  

There are plenty of resources to help people find the plan that works for them. If you live in California and need health insurance, reach out for a free walk through of what you can get with one of our helpful and bilingual agents. 

Get a Free Health Insurance Quote from Cost-U-Less 

Did we mention you can receive free help signing up for a California health insurance plan through Covered California and Medi-Cal? We are here to help you fill out your application, decide which plan works best for you and sign up so you don’t miss California’s Open Enrollment. Give us a call today at 866-951-0476

Frequently Asked Questions 

Are There Any No-Cost Insurance Plans Available to Californians? 

Yes, there are no-cost health insurance plans in California. If you qualify for free healthcare based on your individual factors, you will receive free healthcare through Medi-Cal. 

How Can I Get Health Insurance If I’m Unemployed or Between Jobs? 

Regardless of your situation, if you need health insurance you should apply to Covered California during Open Enrollment, which begins Nov. 1 and ends Jan. 31. You can get healthcare based on your income and employment status, even if you cannot afford it right now.  

Are Short-Term Plans Available? 

Yes. Covered California offers short-term coverage if you lose your health insurance due to job loss or most other reasons. With marketplace stipends, you can get financial help to pay for your coverage. There is no long-term commitment – you can stop your plan at any time. 

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